NEW ORLEANS — About 200 people gathered June 12 in the Riverside Room of Hampton Inn Convention Center for a Cajun Jubilee hosted by the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists (COSBE).
COSBE president Keith Cook of Springfield, Tenn., and his wife, Joan Cook, COSBE recording secretary, emceed the event, which gave attendees a chance to meet, fellowship, and worship with evangelists from across the Southern Baptist Convention.
A short business meeting for members of COSBE followed the Jubilee, which included the reelection of the existing slate of officers for a second term, including Cook as president.
Other officers include Royce Williams, vice president; Amy Stockwell, secretary/treasurer; Russell and Kristi Johnson, music directors; and Tennessee Baptist evangelist and pastor Jerry Drace of Friendsville Baptist Church, Friendsville, pastor/adviser .
The Cooks lead “On The Go Ministries.”
Vice president Royce Williams leads Missions Evangelism Ministries.
Secretary/Treasurer Stockwell is the vocalist half of David Stockwell Evangelistic Association.
The Johnsons serve together through RK Praise Ministries.Drace leads Hope For The Home, a ministry of his evangelistic association.
Plans for Indianapolis 2024 were discussed during the short business session, as well as an introduction and an opportunity to get to know the newest members of COSBE.
“These are exciting days for doing the work of the evangelist,” Cook said on the home page at
“While the gospel has not changed, your Southern Baptist evangelists have changed. We are daily reaching out in new and cutting-edge ways to get the message out into an ever-changing culture.
“We want to help pastors, churches and associations spread the message of God’s love with simplicity, integrity and biblically-sound messages and approaches,” Cook said. B&R