MOUNT JULIET — Tennessee Baptists are joining Southern Baptists around the globe in responding to the devastating attack on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas in the early morning hours of Oct. 7.
CNBC News reported Oct. 10 that nearly 2,000 people have been killed and 2,700 injured in Israel and at least 900 people killed and 4,500 injured in Gaza, according to Palestinian and Israeli health services.
Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief issued a callout Oct. 9 for funds and donations of items that will be shipped to Israel as soon as possible (see list HERE).
“Our hearts go out to those who have been affected by this tragedy,” said Wes Jones, disaster relief specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. “I ask you to pray for the following things (see below) regarding all that is taking place there.”
• Pray for the peace of Israel.
• Pray for both Israelis and Arabs to come to know Christ as their Savior; that is the only way to true and lasting peace.
• Pray that, as we send assistance, it will get to those most in need and that the love of Christ will be shared with each of them.
• Pray for the safety of those working in the conflict areas.
Tennessee Baptist DR is working with Harvest of Israel, a ministry of First Baptist Church, Morristown, and God’s Warehouse, a ministry of Nolachucky Baptist Association, to collect funds and donations for Israel.
Jones said items will be collected to be shipped as soon as possible. Collection sites are at the Missions Mobilization Center (MMC), 6434 John Hager Rd., Mount Juliet (8:30 a,m. to 3 p.m.) through Nov. 10 (may be extended if the need is great) and at God’s Warehouse, 3441West Andrew Johnson Hwy., Morristown, TN 37814 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.).
For items brought to the MMC, Jones asked for people to call 615-371-7926 to let them know when you will be arriving.
Dean Haun, pastor of First Baptist Church, Morristown, and founder and president of Harvest of Israel, noted the organization was founded 12 years ago.
“In a world that is increasingly anti-Semetic, it is our desire to express our Christian love and support of Israel,” he says on the Harvest of Israel website (www.harvestofisrael.or).
Since its inception, Harvest of Israel, working with God’s Warehouse in Morristown, has shipped 100 40-foot containers to Israel with supplies and aid.
Harvest of Israel works with Messianic Christian organizations in Israel which store the goods and supplies in the Joseph Project Warehouse near Tel Aviv.
Haun stressed the effort is more than just humanitarian aid. “We are sending our money and supplies to Christian believers in Israel and they distribute it to those who need it in the name of Jesus,” Haun said.
Harvest of Israel also works closely with International Mission Board missionaries in the area, the Morristown pastor added.
With the attack on Israel, Baptists have “a golden opportunity” to send money and supplies to Israel that will open doors to share the gospel of Jesus, he said.
Haun was scheduled to lead a trip to Israel but the trip has been postponed. He noted a team of volunteers from First Baptist, along with other volunteers from churches in Nolachucky Baptist Association and other local associations, are preparing to distribute food in Israel from the Joseph Project Warehouse as soon as they can get into the country.
“This is a great time in the midst of tragedy to be the hands and feet of Jesus,” he said. Working with Jewish Christians, the Nolachucky team will be “our boots on the ground, giving out aid to people who are hurting,” he added. B&R