Baptist and Reflector
DYER — The Tennessee chapter of the Conservative Baptist Network (CBN) will launch officially the week of May 24, said Bryan Morris, pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Dyer, who is spearheading the effort.
Plans for the Tennessee chapter were announced in April (put in link for article from 4-21 issue).
The national CBN “is the product of a grassroots movement that developed organically in the hearts and minds of devoted Southern Baptists who have become concerned about the current direction and perceived future of the convention,” according to the organization’s website.
Morris told the Baptist and Reflector in April that the CBN a network of pastors and others who want to see a return to the belief “that the gospel is enough. Nothing has to be added to the gospel or taken from it,” he added.
He stressed CBN is not a new denomination “We are however Southern Baptist and an avenue where like-minded pastors, churches, organizations and individuals can partner together voluntarily to influence the SBC to fulfill the Great Commission.
He noted that CBN is supporting a resolution that will be presented at the annual meeting entitled, “The Incompatibility of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality with the Baptist Faith and Message” Resolution on the Incompatibility of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality with The Baptist Faith and Message (
Tennessee will become the sixth chapter, joining state chapters in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, California and the Northeast.
Regional directors in Tennessee are:
West Tennessee: Morris, 901-860-3252,
Middle Tennessee: Terry Wilkerson, pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, 615-584-8582,
East Tennessee: Todd Stinnett, pastor, Black Oaks Baptist Church, Knoxville, 423-273-0488
Morris said the three leacers are working on planning area events and getting the word out — educating pastors, leaders and laymen & women on what CBN is, and championing those purposes you see on the CBN website.
“We are asking everyone who is a part of the CBN to please be in prayer that our hearts would be spiritually humble and planted on the Word of God as we head into the convention,” he said.
“We want to do what is right, but it is important that the right things are done with the help and leading of the Holy Spirit.” B&R