MOUNT JULIET — Brock and Kathy Henry of Talbott Baptist Church, Talbott, recently were named recipients of the Distinguished Service Award by the North American Mission Board through disaster relief.
The Henrys serve on the Nolachucky Baptist Association DR team.
NAMB presents up to six Distinguished Services Awards each year to individuals who have provided distinguished service to the kingdom of God through Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, demonstrated “Christ in Crisis” and demonstrated distinguished ability or accomplishment in DR, according to printed criteria for the award.
“Brock and Kathy continue to serve side by side in many of our responses,” observed Wes Jones, disaster relief specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board.
He noted that Brock Henry assists in assessment and other areas such as chain saw while Kathy assists with the Incident Command and most of all, serves as a chaplain for those coming in asking for assistance.
“They enjoy sharing their faith and giving comfort and hope to those going through a disaster,” Jones said. He noted that Kathy also teaches a spiritual preparation class that helps train volunteers “to be strong in their personal relationship with Christ before and during a disaster situation and to look for those opportunities to share your faith and how to work that into a casual conversation.”
The Henrys were nominated for the award by John and Kay Thomas of Sevierville.
“Brock and Kathy are star DR volunteers,” affirmed Kay Thomas.
“They are always available and willing to do whatever you ask of them and they work so well with everybody,” Thomas added. B&R