McKENZIE — Beating Hearts Pregnancy Center in McKenzie celebrated the dedication of its new ultrasound machine on Jan. 15, a donation that was made possible through the Psalm 139 Project. While ultrasound machines are essential for pregnancy centers, proper training is crucial to maximize their effectiveness.
The machine itself was funded through state resources between 2022 and 2023, but the critical training component came through what the center described as “the generosity of Tennessee Baptists.” Specifically, the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions provided full funding for the ultrasound training — a significant investment, as compassion ministry specialist Beth Moore notes that professional medical training for these machines typically costs around $10,000.
Kathy Ham, director of Beating Hearts, told the B&R, “The training allowed us to add another nurse to our volunteer medical team without the enormous expense that is usually involved.”
She reported that, to date, they have had a 100% success rate with mothers choosing life.
“So far every mommy who considered abortion decided against it after the ultrasound,” she said. “Thank you to everyone who was involved in this placement. We are so very honored and blessed to have received the machine and the training. We praise Jesus for you daily.” B&R
See more B&R stories on ultrasound dedications in Fayetteville and Hartsville.