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Former Union University president David S. Dockery was awarded Union’s M.E. Dodd Denominational Service Award. — Photo by Adam Covington
JACKSON — Union University has presented former university president David S. Dockery with its M.E. Dodd Denominational Service Award.
The Dodd Award is the highest denominational service award Union gives. It is named for the man who was a 1904 Union graduate, served as president of the SBC and who was the father of today’s Cooperative Program, the method by which Southern Baptists pool their resources to fund their mission and ministry efforts.
The award, voted on by Union trustees, is given to a leader within the SBC who displays excellence and leadership in Southern Baptist life, as well as friendship and commitment to Union University.
Past recipients include such leaders as Tennessee Baptist Mission Board president and executive director Randy C. Davis, as well as Jimmy Draper, Adrian Rogers, R. Albert Mohler Jr., Steve Gaines, Paul Chitwood and others.
Dockery was Union’s president from 1996-2014 and now serves as distinguished professor of theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, where he also edits the Southwestern Journal of Theology and is theologian in residence at the B.H. Carroll Center for Baptist Heritage and Mission.
Dockery said it was a special honor to be recognized by Union with the Dodd Award.
“For many years I have admired M.E. Dodd and his vast influence in Baptist life during the first half of the 20th century,” Dockery said. “When this is combined with my heartfelt appreciation for the Union University community, it makes this recognition all the more meaningful.”
Dockery has given major addresses at all six Southern Baptist seminaries and more than two dozen Baptist colleges and universities. He has served on multiple denominational committees and is the author or editor of dozens of books, articles and commentary series. Some of his major works include Southern Baptist Consensus and Renewal, two SBC Winter Bible Study volumes (Ephesians and Ecclesiastes), two SBC Annual Doctrine Studies (“The Doctrine of the Bible” and “Our Christian Hope.”), the New American Commentary series and Southern Baptist Identity.
Dockery has been recognized with the Holman Christian Standard Bible Award given by LifeWay Christian Resources and the Land Distinguished Service Award given by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, among others.
“Dr. Dockery has been a giant in the field of Christian higher education for more than 30 years, and he’s a faithful servant leader in the Southern Baptist Convention in a variety of ways,” said Todd Brady vice president for university ministries at Union.
“We are immensely grateful for his legacy here at Union University,” Brady said. “It’s a great privilege for us to recognize him for his many contributions.” B&R