By Baptist and Reflector
BRENTWOOD — Michael Ellis, pastor of Impact Baptist Church in Memphis, will be nominated as president of the Tennessee Baptist Convention during The Summit, to be held Nov. 10-12, at Brentwood Baptist Church here.
Former TBC president Fred Shackelford informed the Baptist and Reflector last week that he would nominate Ellis, who served as convention vice president in 2013.
“He has proven himself as an excellent leader in our state,” said Shackelford, pastor of Ellendale Baptist Church, Bartlett.
Shackelford also described Ellis as a “creative leader who is passionate about reaching the lost.”
Ellis said he is “humbled to serve our convention in any capacity. I believe in our convention. I believe in the ministries we are doing.”
Ellis said he wants to continue to help the TBC to be seen as an inclusive convention. “I want others to see us as inclusive and for us to continue to grow. It’s a privilege to serve in a convention where every church is important, no matter how big or small.”
Ellis is a former member of the TBC Committee on Committees and his church is supportive of the Cooperative Program, having given 7.2 percent of its undesignated receipts through the Cooperative Program in 2013.
At press time on Sept. 8, no other candidates had been announced.