GALVESTON, Texas — During the annual meeting of the Association of State Baptist Publications held Feb. 12-15 in Galveston, Texas, Baptist editors affirmed the work of Baptist state convention executive directors.
Editors unanimously adopted “A Resolution of Appreciation for State Executive Directors.”
The resolution was presented by Gerald Harris, editor of The Christian Index in Georgia, who noted he enjoys a good relationship with his state executive director, J. Robert White.
“According to my research there has never been a resolution expressing appreciation for these capable leaders and faithful followers of our Lord,” Harris said.
“In my opinion these Baptist leaders commission and lead their state missionaries/staff to be the boots on the ground in their various states to encourage pastors and provide essential resources for our churches and they lead the charge through their influence and example. It is a recognition long overdue,” the Georgia editor affirmed.
Baptist and Reflector Editor Lonnie Wilkey voted for the resolution.
“The men who lead our state conventions play an important role in Great Commission work. We appreciate what they do to advance the Kingdom in the respective states in which they serve,” Wilkey said.
The resolution noted that the health of Baptist state conventions are “undergirded and strengthened by the Christian statesmanship and able leadership of our state executive directors.”
The resolution noted there are “those in Southern Baptist life who fail to recognize the extreme value of state conventions/mission board and do not seem to realize that those state conventions/mission boards are an essential link between the national convention and the local church.”
The editors affirmed their appreciation for their partnership in ministry with state execs and offered their prayer support, “realizing that their strategic positions are often challenging and demanding, involving long hours and weighty responsibility that often garner more criticism than praise.”