Having Phillip and Ellen Wright come and join Lakeview Baptist Church has been one of the most encouraging and humbling experiences of my life.
When Phillip and I first met, I had no idea what was on his heart, and he didn’t know that I had been fervently praying for God to send men to our church who would come willing to serve. I would have never imagined that the Lord would send someone from so far away.
Phillip mentioned that the drive from their home is an hour and a half, but I want to make special note that he often makes that drive for three services per week. God had answered my prayer in what I felt was a very unusual way.
I have gained a friend, a fellow servant and a faithful brother and sister in Christ through a God-appointed meeting and a couple who were willing to look at a strange call from God and simply say, “Yes.”
God often does things in a way that seems strange to us. He moves in ways that we often hadn’t considered. Being obedient requires faith. It requires submission to Christ as Lord. It is often difficult, but it is always worth it.
When God calls you to a specific place or a specific task, trust Him. He has it all planned out. You never know when your obedience may be someone else’s answered prayer.
God has a purpose for you. Trust Him. Follow Him. Obey Him. Give Him all the glory. B&R