The older I get the more I see shadows of my father in the things I do and enjoy. Whether it’s the gait with which I walk, my general suspicion of politics, or my obsession with some details and my apathy for others, you don’t have to be around me very long to recognize that I am my father’s son.
Another enduring trait passed down from my dad is my unexplainable affection for The Andy Griffith Show.
One of my all-time favorite scenes, likely because of my role as a pastor, takes place in Mayberry’s All Souls Church. After singing a familiar hymn, Dr. Hobart Tucker stood and announced his good friend, Dr. Everett Breen, as the guest pulpiteer for the day. As the visiting preacher delivers his message, both Gomer Pyle and Barney Fife fight the nagging urge to doze off during the service.
Admittedly, the theme of slowing down and relaxing was partly to blame for the sermon’s hypotonic effect. The humorous punch line, however, came as people greeted the minister at the door of the church while leaving, voicing what a masterpiece his words were. Though Dr. Breen never mentioned the subject, Barney interjected, “That’s one subject you can’t talk enough about — sin!” [Read more…]