By Randall Pressnell
Senior Pastor, Oak Grove Baptist Church, Mount Carmel
Focal Passage: I Thessalonians 4:3-8
In his book Wired for Intimacy, Christian psychologist William M. Struthers lists the following stages of how men get hooked on pornography:
• Denial — “Sure,” they may say, “I’ve looked at it in the past, but I don’t anymore.” Most men will confess their struggle with pornography only under the conditions of anonymity and confidentiality.
• Minimization — At this stage a man will argue that his pornography use is insignificant and has no real effect on his life. He might say, “Well, I do look at porn, but only occasionally. It’s not like I’m addicted to it or anything.”
• Normalization — At the next stage men say, “Everybody does it.” Explaining the use of pornography as a common form of entertainment is referred to as normalization. [Read more…]