Focal Passage: Luke 12:22-34
Where is your anxiety: In my 40-plus years of ministry I have found myself asking people, “What is your greatest fear?”
The answers have varied from person to person, but typically it is a general anxiety of not knowing their future. In these verses Jesus has gathered with His disciples and tells them in Luke 12:23, “Don’t worry about your life.”
He is not telling them to be irresponsible or apathetic, but to live a life that is dependent on God. He is telling them that God feeds the very birds of the air every day, and that people are much more important than any other part of His creation. We should be reminded that this is a message for followers of Christ.
This is a message about living a life of trustful obedience to God and knowing that He will take care of us. In verse 25 he asks, “Can any of you add one moment to his lifespan by worrying?” Jesus reminds them worry has no impact on the outcome of a life lived trusting God.
This is a truth that an unbelieving person cannot fathom, and it is a hard truth for many Christ-followers. How are you doing in your journey of trusting God with the daily things and ultimately trusting Him with your future?
Where is your faith. When we consider God’s creation, we should be taken to a place of incredible faith. I was sitting on a roadside this past year waiting for traffic to clear to pull up to my wife’s broken-down vehicle.
It was rush hour and I was frustrated with the whole circumstance because it was a Wednesday, and I was going to be late for that evening’s activities at my church. As I stood beside the car, a wind began to pick up and the crops in the field looked like an invisible hand was waving across them.
The sun was shining across the field and it was almost like God was saying, “Take a look!” I felt like God was giving me a gentle reminder that He is in control. If He could provide that majestic moment for me standing on a roadside, then He could take care of a broken-down vehicle.
When someone tells me that they are struggling with their faith in God, I tell them to take a day and go to the mountains.
Paul tells us that God’s creation declares His glory. Romans 1:20 says, “From the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what He has made.”
I can’t imagine anyone that stops and considers God’s creation and doesn’t experience a renewed faith in God’s daily provision for them.
Where is your heart. The formula is simple, but not easy. We are called to seek the kingdom of God. If we can learn to truly believe that our Heavenly Father delights in providing for us, then we can experience His provision for all that we need.
Verse 34 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” That leads us to the obvious question, “Where is your heart?”
God wants you to lean in and trust Him with all that you have and all that you are. B&R