Baptist and Reflector
BRENTWOOD — Former Tennessee Baptist Convention staff member Timothy James “Tim” Holcomb died Aug. 5 at his home in Franklin following a bout with cancer. He was 72.
A native of Texas, Holcomb served on church staffs in Texas, Missouri, Georgia, and Mississippi before joining the staff of the Baptist Sunday School Board (now LifeWay Christian Resources ) in 1983.
He later joined the TBC staff as Christian Growth Development Group leader and leadership specialist where he served for 13 years until his retirement in 2009.
After retirement he served part-time on the discipleship staff of Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood as adult minister — mentor relationships.
Current TBC staff member Bruce Edwards served during that time with Holcomb.
Edwards described Holcomb as a lifelong personal friend and ministry colleague. He noted they traveled many miles across Tennessee together helping TBC churches and internationally, helping to train leaders in TBC partnership countries.
“Tim was a great leader and a great team builder. He loved to laugh and he loved to work hard and play hard,” Edwards recalled.
“He was a lifelong student, always reading and studying. He was kind. He was the ultimate encourager. He was a life coach and a great teacher. He had a winsome personality and he never met a stranger! I will miss my friend,” he added.
Holcomb is survived by his wife Janice, two sons, and five grandchildren.
Services for Holcomb will be held Aug. 9 at Brentwood Baptist Church with visitation from 12-2 p.m., followed by a “Celebration of Life” service at 2 p.m.