New Market Baptist Church, New Market, will hold its 20th annual “Trail to the Empty Tomb.” About 650 people viewed the presentation last year on two nights. One night was rained out. This year the outdoor dramatic presentation will be offered Thursday – Saturday, April 13-15, from 8-9:30 p.m. For more information, contact Becky Finley at 865-850-6313 or
Trinity Baptist Church, Knoxville, will hold revival services March 19-22. Phil Glisson, evangelist of Memphis, will preach.
First Baptist Church, Manchester, developed a 10-minute video on DVD and Facebook for groups in the church holding Super Bowl parties. The video used the SportsCenter format with church staff members predicting the winner and score of the game. Brenton Cox, lead pastor, explained that the staff went on to say that they did not know the future and some of the predictions would be wrong, but God made predictions in the Bible that are completely accurate. The staff shared seven predictions of the Messiah that were exactly fulfilled by Jesus. “This is evidence that we can trust Jesus to save us and guide our lives. We ended with an invitation to believe in Him,” added Cox.
Clarence Stewart, 90, retired pastor and staff member of the Tennessee Baptist Convention Executive Board (now Tennessee Baptist Mission Board), died Feb. 12. He was director of the Partnership Missions Department of the TBC from 1986-91. He directed TBC partnership ventures in Venezuela, the Philippines, and Chile. Formerly he was pastor of Cash Point Baptist Church, Ardmore; First Baptist Church, Livingston; and First Baptist Church, Pulaski. Stewart also was president of the TBC Executive Board and a member of several TBC committees. He also was pastor, Station Camp Baptist Church, Cottontown; interim pastor of many churches; and a consultant with the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes. Stewart is survived by his wife of 68 years, Mary Lou; three children; seven grandchildren; and eight great grandchildren.
Nathan Parker was called as senior pastor, Woodmont Baptist Church, Nashville, on Jan. 29. He was interim pastor of Woodmont Baptist and former minister of youth, Forest Hills Baptist Church, Nashville.
New Hope Baptist Church, Leoma, has called Rodney Krick as pastor.
Mount Horeb Baptist Church, Ethridge, called Greg Ivey as pastor, effective Feb. 5.
Pine Grove Baptist Church, Leoma, has called Jessi Sanders as youth intern for six months.
Chris Gaither, pastor, Ooltewah Baptist Church, Ooltewah, has been called as leader of missionary recruitment, training, and development, SCORE Inter-national, a short-term missions organization based in Chattanooga. Gaither served the church for six years.
Lawrence Steiner, pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Collinwood, was honored on Jan. 22 by the church on his 85th birthday.
Holston Valley Baptist Association, based in Rogersville, will offer a Seminary Extension class, Old Testament Survey, Part 1, beginning on March 27. It will meet at First Baptist Church, Surgoinsville, and be taught by Andy Willis. For more information, contact 423-272-7318 or
Holston Baptist Association, based in Johnson City, will hold “Romancing the Jewel” for women on Friday, March 10, at Antioch Baptist Church, Johnson City. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact or 423-929-1196.
Alpha Baptist Association, based in Centerville, will hold “Worship With Dr. Fred Luter” for its annual spring meeting on Thursday, April 6. Luter is a former president of the Southern Baptist Convention who is pastor of a church in New Orleans, La. The meeting will be held at First Baptist Church, Hohenwald, and will begin at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Ruth Rodenberg at 931-729-4571 or
Stone Baptist Association, based in Cookeville, will send missions teams to Helena, Mont., in early June and to Maytown, Ky., July 2-7 and July 9-14. For more information, contact Rick Burnett, pastor, Crossroads Community Church, Baxter, at 931-520-3941.
New Salem Baptist Association, based in Carthage, will hold its annual Association Kids Camp June 12-15 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. and will send a team to Guatemala to support the Tennessee/Guatemala Baptist Partnership July 21-28. The team will conduct a medical clinic, Vacation Bible School, and construction. For more information, contact or 615-735-9362.