Start now preparing for 2017 Youth & High School Bible Drills — Edwards
By Connie Davis Bushey
News Editor, Baptist and Reflector
OLD HICKORY — Recently some youth enjoyed the culmination of months of work — by competing in the 2016 State Youth and High School Bible Drills of the Tennessee Baptist Convention. The competitions were held at Tulip Grove Baptist Church.
A few days prior many more students competed in Regional Youth and High School Bible Drills.
State Bible drill time is one of Bruce Edwards’ favorite times of year. It also is “a significant youth discipleship ministry experience for youth,” said the youth specialist, TBC.
Youth Bible Drill is for youth in grades 7-9 and youth who are in 6th grade and already in their church youth group.
These students “develop skills in using their Bibles to locate books and verses and to memorize and locate passages. The passages deal with doctrinal and ethical concerns,” explained Edwards.
High School Bible Drill is for youth in grades 10-12 and continues the development of “skills and knowledge of the Bible, as well as gaining poise and self-confidence in sharing memorized Scriptures,” described Edwards. “They learn and memorize key salvation Scriptures which help them to share their faith as well as lengthy Scripture passages.”
Finally, High School Bible Drill “has a section where students learn basic doctrines of what Baptists believe,” added Edwards.
The state High School Bible Drill winner receives a scholarship certificate from Union University, Jackson, and Carson-Newman University, Jefferson City.
Program guidelines are provided free online. Drill cards, leader’s guides, sample drills, and information on regional/state drills are available. Go to and then click on Bible Drills. In the leader’s guide, a church leader can learn of all of the certificates, ribbons, medals, and trophies awarded at each level.
Edwards said each church is encouraged to have a church drill for drillers, after which drillers advance to an associational drill, and those scoring the required points advance to a regional drill. The first place winner of each of the regional drills advances to the state drills.
In addition, Children’s Bible Drills for those in grades 4-6 is very popular and has similar resources.
Edwards said he is assisted in conducting the Bible drills by eight “very experienced” State Regional Coordinators who “have a love for helping students do Bible drills.”
For more information, contact Edwards at or 615-804-1298.