By Michael Julian
Pastor, Macedonia Baptist Church, Kenton
Focal Passage: 1 Kings 18:20-26, 31-39
If this were the Old West, we should expect to be hearing faint whistling in the background, followed by ominous music, and topped off with tumbleweeds rolling across a dusty street in what resembles a ghost town. Our focus would be upon the two combatants meeting at high noon to settle things once and for all.
Leading up to our passage for this week, Elijah confronted Ahab face to face. Ahab labeled Elijah the troubler of Israel, and Elijah responded in kind due to Ahab’s forsaking the Word of God and practicing Baal worship. Cue the whistling, music, and tumbleweeds.
1 Kings 18:20-21
Have you ever noticed how one really good question can resonate for centuries? Julius Caesar, “Et tu, Brute”? God questioning Adam, “Where are you?” And Elijah on Mt. Carmel, “How long will you waver between two opinions?”
The time had come for the people of God to choose whom they were going to serve. We may have assumed this issue was settled in Joshua 24:15, but that would be incorrect. Their actions would even seem a repudiation of Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Their present condition was a direct result of their unfaithfulness to God’s Word.
If I were to gauge the present condition of the church in America, I would say we are in a similar position. We seem to be hesitating between two opinions. We are wavering between God’s truth and our own truth. By the way, my truth or your truth doesn’t exist. This is a common fallacy growing in popularity by the day, that somehow we are supposed to support and encourage people to live their truth. Just like the Israelites on Mt. Carmel, and like Ahab and Jezebel, we are abandoning the absolute truth of God. Lord, have mercy on us.
1 Kings 18:22-26
When you survey the gauntlet laid down by Elijah, you might wonder if this is a fair fight. Remember, Baal is supposed to be a weather god, so fire should not be an issue for him. Meanwhile, God has been seen by fire in the burning bush and the pillar of fire which led Israel by night. No one objects to this arrangement.
The prophets of Baal are given first choice and they commence with a raucous attempt to rouse and rally Baal to their side. Silence. We understand the silence. Only Yahweh is real.
Now, coming back to the church in America, it seems we have forgotten this basic truth. People can be sincere in their passions or feelings, and still be sincerely wrong. The truth is there is only one God, who exists eternally as Father, Son, and Spirit. We must not waver!
1 Kings 18:31-39
Now, it’s Elijah’s turn. Better yet, it is God’s time to shine. And to dismiss all doubt, Elijah commands the people to soak everything in water. Remember, the sky has been shut up. This is huge. In every way, God will reveal Himself to be the one true God.
The people stopped hesitating and proclaimed God to be God! What a novel concept. We need this in America posthaste! We need to live it, breathe it, and believe it. Let us serve God with the utmost loyalty. B&R