By Michael Crandall
Senior Pastor, Hillcrest Baptist Church, Dyersburg
Focal Passage: Psalms 8:1-8
What does it mean to cherish something? The word cherish means that we hold something dear to us. When we think about cherishing something we often think about our children or grandchildren. Sometimes when we refer to childhood memories we think about those as a cherished memory, because we hold those thoughts so close to us.
Have you ever thought about how God cherished you? When I was a child I grew up in a broken home. Our home was not a place of safety and refuge. Growing up, we were often told that we meant little to nothing to everyone, and how life could be better without us. So when the pastor of the local church stopped by and invited us to church I never thought much about God wanting to love me or that God would cherish a relationship with me. [Read more…]