By Bruce Chesser
President, Tennessee Baptist Convention
The 2020 Summit will be unlike any annual gathering of Tennessee Baptists in our history.
First of all, it will be virtual. We made a decision back in the summer that it would probably not be wise to meet in a large group in November. That decision has proven to be wise.
Second, the meeting will be much shorter than our usual meetings. Rather than taking place over a two-day period, the 2020 virtual summit will last two hours or less.
Third, rather than having business sessions, reports from various entities, sermons and resolutions, these two hours will be filled with stories that will inspire you and information that will encourage you.
You do not want to miss the 2020 Virtual Summit. The theme is “I Will Do a New Thing,” and it is found in Isaiah 43:18-19. “Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something new, even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” That is a good word for Tennessee Baptists during these days. No doubt, we are living in turbulent times, but God has promised that He is about to do something new!
The 2020 Virtual Summit will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 10, but you can watch it on-demand anytime. You can find it at the TBMB website, Please join us as we share some incredible stories with you that have taken place from Morristown to Memphis, and a lot of points in between. You will be glad you did! B&R