Baptist Press
DALLAS — Tennessee evangelist and pastor Jerry Drace will be nominated for second vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Union University professor Ernest Easley announced May 16.
A vocational evangelist for more than 40 years, Drace has preached in approximately 1,000 Southern Baptist churches and conducted 300 of his signature Hope of the Home conferences in the U.S. and Great Britain. For the past eight years, he has served as bivocational pastor at Friendship Baptist Church, Friendship, the West Tennessee congregation his father once pastored and where Drace came to faith in Christ.
Drace is a former president of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists.
“Electing a longtime vocational evangelist/bivocational pastor as an officer of our convention will be another step toward getting our focus back on reaching the lost for Christ,” said Easley, professor of evangelism at Union. He added that Drace “has led his church to have a focus on getting the gospel to the world.”
Easley, a former chairman of the SBC Executive Committee, said Drace’s nomination is timely, given the “renewed emphasis on evangelism across the Southern Baptist Convention.”
The nomination will occur during the SBC’s June 12-13 annual meeting in Dallas.
Drace is the second announced nominee for second vice president. Oklahoma pastor Felix Cabrera’s nomination was announced in March.