By Lonnie Wilkey
Editor, Baptist and Reflector
Last year the Baptist and Reflector told the story of Tiffany Bowen, a pastor’s wife in West Tennessee, who was a self-described “atheist, feminist bartender.” Tiffany candidly shared her story of her journey from someone who denied God to becoming the wife of Jason Bowen, who would later become pastor of First Baptist Church, Trenton.
At the conclusion of the story, Tiffany said she was willing to share her story anywhere, anytime. “If it brings God glory, then I’m an open book,” she stated. A year later, the book is still open.
Tiffany sent me an e-mail last week. In it she shared how a woman from North Carolina had just found her story somewhere and read it. Tiffany wrote: “After a long conversation she realized God had led her to see that she had never really made Him her Lord and Savior and she prayed and now we have a new sister in Christ!”
What an incredible Christmas present — to hear how a story we shared is still making an impact in someone’s life a year later. As Tiffany entitled her e-mail, “God is good.”
If I don’t receive another present this year, just the news that someone accepted Christ is enough. I am humbled that God used the Baptist and Reflector as a tool to connect this lady in North Carolina with Tiffany. It was all God and Tiffany’s amazing testimony and openness to share what God has done in her life. The B&R just had a small part.
As 2017 comes to a close, I want to thank you, our readers, for making the Baptist and Reflector a part of “your family.”
While news is part of our function (and admittedly, the news is not always good), our main goal is to share the great stories of how God is at work through Tennessee Baptists and the churches that comprise the Tennessee Baptist Convention.
Tennessee Baptists have an amazing story to tell because we serve a mighty and an amazing God.
We desire to see more people learn about their Baptist state paper so they can not only read it, but pass it along to others. Many people tell me they read a relative’s copy or see the copy that is in the church library. You never know when someone will read a story that may impact his or her life — such as the lady that Tiffany was able to share the gospel with.
Encourage people you know to read the B&R and become a part of “the family.” If possible, send a gift subscription to a friend or relative. (See form, page 12).
On behalf of the Communications Team of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.