By Justin Randolph
Pastor of Zion Hill Baptist Church, Sevierville
Focal Passage: Psalms 33:6-9, 13-15; Colossians 1:15-17
“The Bible is not a science book.” Have you ever heard this? There is some truth to this statement. The Scripture was not ever intended to be a treatise on science, and yet being the very Word of God it does contain many truths found in science. So, this statement should not be used to discount what the Bible teaches as truth.
Contrary to what we have been taught most of our lives through secular media and government schools, science and Scripture are not necessarily opposed to one another. The scientists who now believe in an omnipotent, omniscient creator are on the rise. David was not a scientist, and yet he understood that “the heavens were made by the Word of the Lord.” Likewise, the sea and the earth also came into being at His command. The picture David gives here is of a three-story universe made up of the heavens, the earth, and the seas. All of them were created by the spoken Word of God.
The fact there are deniers of God’s creation is simply astounding when you consider the intricacies of our planet. For if all we see was the result of an accident, why have we failed to find life on other planets? The answer is simply that God created this earth intentionally to sustain life. Paul wrote of Christ as not only the creator, but the sustainer of all life. Consider that if the earth were 10 percent larger or smaller, life as we know it would be impossible; or that we’re just the right distance from the sun to not freeze or burn up; or the amazing tilt of the earth’s axis that allows the distribution of the sun’s rays to every part of the earth’s surface over the course of a year. No other planet is like ours. No, the earth is no accident. It is intentionally designed and created by Him and for His glory.
The Apostle John clarifies our understanding of the Word by declaring to us that Jesus was the Word made flesh. Paul reiterates this point to the church at Colosse by writing that He is the visible representation of the Father. This means He was not only present at creation, but also an active agent in creation. This makes creation very personal. God not only creates and sustains life, but He delights in it and redeems. We are designed for a relationship with God and through Christ He created us and through Christ He saves us. David said it beautifully when he wrote, “the Lord … observes everyone … He alone shapes their hearts.”
Like an excited parent designing and preparing to welcome a child into the home, God has made this world specifically for you and me. It is formed to be inhabited with worshipers of Almighty God. This is why Adam and Eve were commanded to be fruitful and multiply, and cover the earth. What great love God has shown us through His creation. Now let us cover the earth with His glory.