BRENTWOOD — More messengers attended The Summit Nov. 10-12 at Brentwood Baptist Church here than previously thought.
Following Summit, the Baptist and Reflector reported 958 registered messengers.
As part of his routine, TBC registration secretary Dan Ferrell counts every messenger card after the annual meeting.
He discovered there were actually 1,172 messengers and 236 visitors from 423 churches at The Summit this year, bringing the total much closer to the number (1,333 messengers from 532 churches and about 482 visitors) who attended the 2013 Summit in Chattanooga.
Ferrell attributed the discrepancy to a change in the computer system which handled the registration process.
Ferrell said plans are underway to correct the apparent glitch in the system.
“After the registration problems caused by technology issues at the Brentwood Summit, our staff carried out with excellence the laborious task of counting each one of the registrations by hand in order to secure an accurate count of TBC messengers,” observed Randy C. Davis, TBC executive director.
“Including guests, 1,408 is a very good attendance for a Middle Tennessee Summit,” Davis said.