Roger “Sing” Oldham
Roger “Sing” Oldham has been named director of pastor engagement for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board.
Oldham has been serving as a contract consultant over the past six months assisting the TBMB in the area of developing systems and tools in the area of equipping pastors and ministry leaders.
Prior to joining the TBMB staff, Oldham served as a vice president for the SBC Executive Committee for 12-and-a-half years.
Oldham previously was pastor of First Baptist Church, Martin, for 21 years.
For more information about Oldham, read Randy C. Davis’ Clarity column here.

Robert Tyson
Robert Tyson, director of missions for Robertson County Baptist Association, based in Springfield, since 2000, has announced his retirement, effective Dec. 31. In a letter to Robertson County Baptists, Tyson expressed his gratitude for the friendships and relationships developed over the past 20 years. He cited several things the association has accomplished together: the development of a disaster relief unit that has made many trips here and throughout the southeast to the eastern seaboard; the growth of the English Language Learners program; the initiation of a process that helps churches do missions together; the growth of RCBA churches in diversity, in participation and in the level of financial support for the work; the implementation of a new, flexible associational structure that keeps the association relevant in the 21st century; the involvement of a younger generation in RCBA churches and more.
Greg Watson has been called as pastor of Birchfield Baptist Church, Maryville.
Charles Pratt, director of missions for Fayette Baptist Association, has written a book entitled, Back to the Beginning of a Perfect Creation, a study for laity pastors with a conservative view of what God did in six days of creation.
Hannah Conway of Hilldale Baptist Church, Clarksville, will be teaching social media marketing and communications, a six-week online course with two individual sessions in August. The course will provide a marketing overview, communication strategy, building relationships, and more. For more information, including costs, visit hannahrconway.com.
Three students with Tennessee ties recently graduated from New Orleans (La.) Baptist Theological Seminary: Elizabeth “Abbie” Johnson, Jackson, master of arts in discipleship; Phillip Gant, Shelbyville, master of arts in discipleship; and Stephen Halstead, Cleveland, master of divinity.
Lavinia Baptist Church, Lavinia, ordained Michael Sullivan as a deacon on Aug. 2.
Grover Westover has resigned as pastor of Harmony Baptist Church, Whiteville, effective Aug. 30. He served as pastor of the Haywood Baptist Association congregation for 25 years. He will be available for supply preaching, interim or revivals. Reach him at groverwestover@att.net or by phone at 731-7870-2001.
Mart Jennings “Bunny” Duggan, 76, of Athens died June 13. A native of McMinn County, Duggan served as a local minister and evangelist since he was 14 years old. He preached in more than 50 churches in Tennessee, 17 different states, Brazil and Jamaica. He served as pastor of 11 churches in Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Texas. Duggan served as seminary extension director for McMinn-Meigs Baptist Association for 17 years, resigning in December 2018 due to health concerns. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Wilma Clark Duggan, five children and 14 grandchildren.
Bethel Baptist Church, Greenfield, will hold revival services Aug. 9-12. Speaking at both the 9 and 11 a.m. services on Aug. 12 will be Willie McLaurin. Other speakers include Jack Price, Aug. 12, 6 p.m.; Gene Price, Aug. 10-11, 7 p.m.; and Roc Collins, Aug. 12, 7 p.m.
Weakley County Baptist Association took 14 short-term missions to Chattanooga July 12-17 to participate in City Reach. The team did maintenance work at a government assisted housing complex and led a reading program for children. Team members also repaired a deck for a family whose husband and father recently died. The team cooked hot dogs for parents and children one night and presented the gospel. Three children were saved. The association is following up by connecting them to a local church.
Carson-Newman University, Jefferson City, will celebrate its May 2020 graduates with a virtual commencement ceremony on Aug. 7 at 7:30 p.m. School officials had hoped that by delaying the ceremony they could hold an “in person” service, but with case counts rising, the decision was made to move to a virtual-only format. Randy Boyd, president of the University of Tennessee, will deliver the commencement address.

First Baptist Church, Manchester, held a reception for Cyndi Cox, who is retiring after 22 years of service as director of Christian education. During her tenure, the number of Sunday School classes increased from 29 to 61 and attendance has grown from 300 to 620. She also was instrumental in developing the church’s Christian Development Program. With her is her husband, Brenton Cox, who also is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church.

Zion Hill Baptist Church, Turtletown, recently celebrated its 175th anniversary in Copper Basin Baptist Association. During that time the church has given more than $139,000 through the Cooperative Program and seen 549 souls saved and baptized. Steve Pearson, right, evangelism specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, presented a plaque to pastor Kenny Housley, center. Also present for the presentation was Stewart Strickland, director of missions for the association.