IMB Kenya missionary Kristen Lowry works alongside national partners to run Naivasha Children’s Shelter. They work on the streets to rescue boys, restore their lives, and reunite them with their families.
Southern Baptists have set aside Sunday, Nov. 9, to focus on caring for widows and orphans.
Based on James 1:27, “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (CSB), the day gives churches an opportunity to pray for widows and orphans and evaluate their ministry to them.
In a Lifeway Research piece, Mirian Neff encourages fellow church members to care for widows by asking, “Can we go for a walk together? May I run errands for you? Can I meet you for coffee? Don’t say, ‘Call me if you need anything.’ ”